
Panaxeo Coding Arena


Competition •

Mount a chopper. Play folk music. Use AI. Win prizes.
Timer runs out on April 6.


  • Your task is to find the most efficient flight path using whatever language you love. Explore the rules.

  • You can use AI, LLMs, whatever.

  • The player who finds the most efficient flight path before 23:59:59, 6 April, ‘25 wins prizes.

  • There are two categories with one winner in each. Login to play.

  • Join us on Discord and chat with fellow contestants.

  • Still not sure? Read our FAQs.

Categories & Prizes


2+ years of professional IT experience

1st place: €150 for tech + exclusive access to the first Panaxeo music album + humble Panaxeo merch + a ticket to the Výťah conference

2nd place: €100 for tech + humble Panaxeo merch + a ticket to the Výťah conference

3rd place: €50 for tech + humble Panaxeo merch + a ticket to the Výťah conference


< 2 years of professional IT experience

1st place: 1 year Skillmea membership + exclusive access to the first Panaxeo music album + €50 for tech + humble Panaxeo merch + a ticket to the Výťah conference

2nd place: €50 for tech + humble Panaxeo merch + a ticket to the Výťah conference

3rd place: €30 for tech + humble Panaxeo merch + a ticket to the Výťah conference

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Welcome to the Coding Arena

The Coding Arena is a Panaxeo tradition. Every year, we measure our egos coding skills. For the third time in forever, it’s open to the public! You are very welcome to enter!

This year is all about a helicopter we found in Gelnica. Your task is to find the most efficient flight path so that the helicopter can play our music to as many people as possible before it hits the mileage limit. Sounds fun? Read on.

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How to play?

At a scrapyard in Gelnica, we’ve found an old chopper. We’re in luck, as it still has 1,500 km of flight before its regular roadworthiness (airworthiness?) test. It most certainly won’t pass.

So, we’ve attached a loudspeaker to the chopper. Our CEO has just released his latest folk music album; we need as many people to hear it as possible.

That’s where you come in! Help us draft the most efficient flight path so that as many citizens of Slovakia can listen to good music as possible. Use AI or something, we don’t mind.

And when you win, we’ll let you listen to the album yourself!


  • CSV file with all the towns in Slovakia, arranged by population.

  • CSV file with a matrix of flight distances between each town pair.

  • Mileage limit in km (1,500 km).


  • Flight path, i.e., a series of locations separated by commas in the order in which the helicopter should fly (e.g., "Gelnica, Bratislava, Košice, Gelnica").

  • The start and end of the flight are at the scrapyard in Gelnica. The route can have a maximum of 200 stops (including the first and last town in the flight path).

  • The helicopter can fly over a given town multiple times, but the number of listeners is counted only on the first visit (i.e., only once 😊).

  • The mileage must not be exceeded; otherwise, the solution is invalid, and we don’t want any problems with the Air Police.

Additional info

  • You can code in whatever you want and however you want. Just like always.

  • Using AI, LLMs, etc. is… Allowed.

  • Please don’t hack the server. It’s from the same scrapyard as the helicopter.

  • You can submit as many solutions as possible; only your best one counts.

  • In case of a tie in the number of listeners, the shorter flight wins.

  • If the tie persists, the earlier submission takes priority.

The Deadline is on April 06, 2025 at 23:59 CET.

For any questions, check the FAQ below. Or ask in the Discord Server.

the competition


Join us on Discord

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Frequently asked

  • We want a level playing field for students and juniors. that’s why there are categories – juniors and seniors. There will be a winner in each of these categories.

    Not sure which one to choose from? Here’s a rule of thumb:

    – With less than 2 years of professional coding experience, pick the junior category.

    – With more than 2 years of coding experience, pick the senior category.

  • The Panaxeans have already had their internal run in the Chopper of Gelnica earlier this year. They can still participate, but their solutions will not count towards the official leaderboard. Wanna become a Panaxean?

  • ‘Cause it’s fun.

  • You can enter the Coding Arena at any point up to 6 April 2025.

  • No, we made it up.

    Or did we?

  • Ask away! Join us on Discord or talk to as at

We've got partners.
They'll help you code better and then go to space.

We are required to put the official competition rules here in a special document.
Read it if you’d like. (Slovak)

Any questions?

Join us on Discord or talk to us: