Code of Ethics
our principles
our principles •
We've got principles and we're not afraid to use them.
Things we do
Seek opportunities that turn our talents into maximum positive impact.
Genuinely care about others succeeding in the workplace and beyond.
Welcome differences, care for our well-being, and promote a healthy work-life balance.
Foster humane, open, and non-judgemental relationships.
Promote 100% truthful, transparent communication.
Actively and concretely contribute to a better future for our society, environment, and tradecraft.
Act in good faith, with courage, resilience, and integrity.
Hours clocked-in on impactful projects
We consider a project to be impactful when it helps solve one of the more pressing issues our society currently faces. Environmental issues, democracy crisis, critical thinking, human rights, animal rights, you get the gist.
Our other projects are useful tools, apps, or solutions. They make people's lives easier, but do not directly address global issues. No harmful projects ever come into question.
Hours clocked-in on
other projects
Things we do not do
In Sales
Engage in addictive, deceptive, unlawful, or unethical projects.
Partake in fake tenders, or make false promises to engage in new cooperations.
Overcharge or underquote.
Bribe or accept a bribe in any shape or form.
Dispel trade secrets and confidential information, engage in industrial espionage.
In Marketing
Deceive, knowingly manipulate, or misrepresent information about ourselves/others.
Use channels or tools that leverage addictive & divisive algorithms (e.g. Meta).
Use city lights, billboards, and other media that cause light pollution and negatively impact public spaces.
Use deceitful marketing tactics to drive engagement, such as fake reviewers, bots, or purchased audiences.
Collect data that is not absolutely necessary.
Produce environmentally unfriendly merchandise or excess quantities thereof.
In General
Harm people, animals, and the environment.
Donate, support, or affiliate with political parties.
Partner with organisations and individuals in evidence of their unethical behaviour.
Engage in activities that might unfairly affect our clients, prospects, competitors, and employees.
Seek advantage through trickery or schemes.
To EmployeesProfile based on age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.
Treat anyone with preference based on relationships or affiliations.
Hire interns, children, or foreigners to work below the Slovak living wage.
Our values
These have been with us from the start.
We explore avenues yet to be conquered. If the most fringe of technology is the only way, we dive neck-deep before others manage to take off their shoes.
Tough problems make our hearts beat. We indulge in challenges beyond our comfort zone with a smiling face. We endure until the end.
We go above and beyond to be the best versions of ourselves. Our intentions are always transparent and generate mutual benefits. If we can’t win, we let others win.