17% Slack messages less

Friends, 2024 has passed us like a tide wave and we’re back with our January recap. Whilst 2023 was a year of Scrum certificates for us, we steered 2024 in a different direction.

We almost won an award for it.

Onwards with the numbers!


Slack messages in 2024. That’s 17% less compared to 2023. Why? We don’t know. We made up the #SaveTheEnterKey initiative to make it look intentional.


Active projects. +1 since last year. These include several Healthtech startups, Fintech scaleups, Banks, and some other interesting apps that don’t fall into either category. Keep an eye on our case studies this year!


New Slack emojis. We are taking visual conversations very seriously, therefore we have started tracking new Slack emojis. 2025 is off to a good start. Most of these new emojis are of Igor in various states of being.


Board game nights. A tradition we started in 2022 and began tracking in 2023. Board game nights are still going strong into 2025!


Panaxeo Webinar. It was all about the common mistakes you need to avoid when scaling your tech.

Interested in the topic? Igor has written a few articles that will help your next scaling endeavor.


Official Panaxeo beach office booking tool.

Our beach office has grown into its third season, more popular than ever. To avoid Google Sheets Clicker Hero chaos, our Ruby team built a neat booking tool that makes securing your place on the beach easier and much more orderly.


kilograms of coffee consumed in our offices.

We admit, it is an unimpressive number. Most of us don’t spend all that much time around offices, preferring to work from wherever they want instead.

We might start tracking coffee consumed at home, who knows?


award nomination! We were nominated for the FéliX Business Award in the Excellent Business Story category.

Imagine, out of hundreds of companies in Slovakia, ours was deemed amongst the most excellent business stories out there.

In the end, we didn’t win. But still, it’s not every day you get nominated for a fancy award! They even invited Igor and Adam for an interview. Read it and find out why they they thought to nominate us in the first place.


pieces of Panaxeo Merch. Hoodies? Check. T-Shirts? Check. Pin badges? Check. Neck gaiters?! Check.

Next time we meet, we might have a piece for you. Hope you like the style!

Last time, we wished for more board game nights and more 💩-themed merch

We like to think we grew up a little this year. We do have more merch, but 💩? That is so 2023.

More game nights? Well, slow and steady wins the race!

In 2024, our focus has been more on delivering great service for great companies. On building better tech products 300% faster.

Let’s do some more of that in 2025!

Journey before the destination.

See you on the journey ahead!


Is Your Mobile App Accessible? By Law, It Better Be!


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